
CEO Message

Dear Friends & Stakeholders,

It's a fiscal year completed, one more year to mention addition of the achievements & success stories and one more year to give us the confidence for venturing into the bigger opportunities.

Our company, Tangar Ship Management (P) Ltd., has successfully achieved many of the planned milestones evolved whether we mention about rendering best of the services to the ship-owners, the implementation of our in-house software across the fleet & shore offices, TMSA compliance, Seafarers retention, unparalleled technical support, successful SIRE inspections, wider commercial management in Oil, Gas & Bulk sectors or measures introduced towards quality & cost control for the Ships under our management.

CEO Image


It's the trust and basic understanding of you colleagues towards the core values of the company, a company which name itself defines – Transparency, Ambitious nature, Nobility, Genuinity, Accuracy & sense of being Responsible, which has supported us in making what we are today.
With you all on-board I am extremely enthusiastic to announce that we are setting the sail in the directions of greater heights and expansion of the company. I am focused for increasing the turn- over of the company and setting new benchmark in the coming years. Our strategic partners are going to be the ones with similar enthusiasm and foresight. We are taking-off to venture into the bigger market with the similar mind-set of stakeholders who are aligned to us in our vision of exponential growth.

The green coloured letter “g” of our company logo is the machinery deviced to speak loud about our responsibilities towards the environment. We are serious about the steps to be taken towards de- carbonization, net zero-emissions, low-sulphur contents, speed optimization, fuel conservation, plantation and carbon neutrality.

With the Trigun Infotech as in-house partner we have taken advanced steps towards digitalization of the complete management. The digital platform to look after the ship management business in entirety, NAVIOX launched on 22.01.2024 on an auspicious occasion in the history of India amply speaks about the worth of it. This digitalization alone has reduced the paper consumption of the company by 80%.
I look forward to expand our fleet and hit the target of half a century very shortly, to render more cost-effective with best of the quality and to have most efficient services to all our ship-owners.

I also foresee to keep us updated upon the standards of quality, safety & environmental protection and to maintain it in the highest of its order.The confidence with which I have charted the new course for the coming years, is only because of the wonderful team we are. Trust me neither the milestones we have crossed were possible nor the courage of setting such tall goals would have engendered without your unmatched support and industry expertise.

We are in the middle of an exciting time where our company grows, its’ important that we all take ownership of our goals and objectives.

Let us strive towards a bigger success together.

Thanks & Best regards,
Capt. Sushant Kumar

Sail Over the Seas with the Leaders! We Serve Worldwide While Consistently Leading the Industry
Together, Let's set Sail for Achievement.

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+91 22 41769999

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